zondag 29 maart 2009

Nog 8 cadeaubons te winnen!!

Eerste "BODY MIND SOUL-Quiz"! (zie website onder menu "Activiteiten")

10 vragen m.b.t. de website en nieuwsbrief
=> Nog 8 fantastische cadeaubons te winnen (3 van 20 €, 3 van 40 € en 2 van 50 €)!

De 10 letterantwoorden kunnen doorgemaild worden naar
info@bodymindsoul.be nog tot 11 april 2009!

Van harte en veel quizplezier!

Dries Debaere


zondag 22 maart 2009

"Your immortal reality" - Gary R. Renard

Very interesting book by Gary R. Renard, who explains more in detail the "A Course in Miracles"- teachings through the talks with "Arten and Pursah", two ascended masters who appeared in his life from 1992 onwards :)

Heavy stuff as you can imagine, here are two very powerful forgiveness affirmations, be aware they can profoundly change your life for the better!

-> One affirmation u can say to yourself (s.a. in front of the mirror, etc...)

"I am immortal spirit"
"This body is only an image"
"It has nothing to do with wat I am"

In Dutch:

"Ik ben onsterfelijke geest"
"Dit lichaam is slechts een beeld"
"Het heeft niets te maken met wat ik ben"

-> The other affirmation u can think when you're meeting other people

"You are spirit"
"Complete and innocent"
"Everything has been forgiven and let go"

In Dutch:

"Jij bent onsterfelijke geest"
"Heel en onschuldig"
"Alles is vergeven en losgelaten"

Seminar "The Opus" in Antwerp - Belgium

Hi all,

Yesterday went to "The Opus" seminar by Douglas Vermeeren in Antwerp about "how to get the best out of yourself". Can sound "been there, done that"-stuff but was really hands on and very practically oriented seminar.

I can recommend everybody to watch this movie as it explains like the secret how to attain personal success in every singla area of your life, key element is to ACT NOW as there is "No Other Way", just follow your gut feeling instead of your head, my friends! This will get you further then you could ever dream of.

And sure this can sound very nice but thats what most of us think! Their dreams stay dreams, you can be different by TAKING those decisions, time for real change, are you up to it or not?

It is totally up to you ;)
Have a great sunday!
