maandag 20 juli 2009

Something big is coming up ! - week of 20 July 2009

Hidieho to all,

I just wanted to mention that apparently something huge is going to happen this week...

So what can we expect??

Recent channelings (The Group and GFOL) mention a big event this week, the group spoke of the possibility of "teleportation" - yes you read correct on July 21st, the gfol spoke about "watch the skies, it's time for action". On the 40th anniversary of the moonlanding - tomorrow 07/21/09 - perhaps that would be nice... A kind of "first contact"-event, who knows...

Revealing of the 9/11 truth was also mentioned by "The Group" so apparently there's a lot coming up...

Hold on to your hats, its gonna be quite a ride!
Have a terrific week!