zondag 22 maart 2009

"Your immortal reality" - Gary R. Renard

Very interesting book by Gary R. Renard, who explains more in detail the "A Course in Miracles"- teachings through the talks with "Arten and Pursah", two ascended masters who appeared in his life from 1992 onwards :)

Heavy stuff as you can imagine, here are two very powerful forgiveness affirmations, be aware they can profoundly change your life for the better!

-> One affirmation u can say to yourself (s.a. in front of the mirror, etc...)

"I am immortal spirit"
"This body is only an image"
"It has nothing to do with wat I am"

In Dutch:

"Ik ben onsterfelijke geest"
"Dit lichaam is slechts een beeld"
"Het heeft niets te maken met wat ik ben"

-> The other affirmation u can think when you're meeting other people

"You are spirit"
"Complete and innocent"
"Everything has been forgiven and let go"

In Dutch:

"Jij bent onsterfelijke geest"
"Heel en onschuldig"
"Alles is vergeven en losgelaten"

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