vrijdag 20 november 2009

Finally first contact? 21-22/11 + 27/11

Hello to whoever might read this blog,

Recently I saw an interesting you tube video from the disclosure group "Project Camelot" mentioning that one of their sources said this weekend 21-22/11 a giant ufo would hover above a big stadium in Florida, so nobody could deny any longer E.T.-existence.

According to the Project Camelots'source, short thereafter, on friday the 27th of November President Obama will be adressing the world that we are indeed not alone in this universe and a 2hour video will follow (says the source) in which 6 different benevolent alien species would be presented to humanity. A 2hour-television time has apparently already been booked on this date (27 nov. 2009) on the major tv-stations across the globe.

Will this happen? Yes, probably. On these dates? That remains the question, let's wait and see....

Have a great weekend!

dinsdag 13 oktober 2009

14th of october 2009, FIRST CONTACT? Perhaps, yes indeed, perhaps...

Tomorrow, on the 14th of october 2009, it is highly possible that first contact will be played out,
normally it should have happened on the 14th of october of last year (2008) A lot of people "felt" something very strange on this day worldwide but "they" didn't show up....

If everything goes according to the divine plan - on the road towards 2012 -,
then first contact is scheduled to happen in october-november 2009.

So let's wait and see!

Have a great week!
Dries Debaere

"Inspiring greatness within others through massage, nlp, reiki and seminars"

zondag 27 september 2009

Update website + 2012

Hello to everybody!

Just wanted to let you know that some changes went on these last few months with "body mind soul":

- From now on the website is available in English! German and French translations will follow

- Next open reiki is scheduled for monday-evening 2nd of november at the practice in Gullegem,
Belgium. Please do register before 25th of October on info@bodymindsoul.be or
dries_debaere@hotmail.com. All the info is on the website www.bodymindsoul.be!

And for the curious ones, the 2012 section on the site has changed a little bit so please do have a look! As you might or not may know the "2012"-movie from Roland Emmerich (starring John Cusack) will be worldwide released on November 11th 2009!!

Have a great week,

maandag 20 juli 2009

Something big is coming up ! - week of 20 July 2009

Hidieho to all,

I just wanted to mention that apparently something huge is going to happen this week...

So what can we expect??

Recent channelings (The Group and GFOL) mention a big event this week, the group spoke of the possibility of "teleportation" - yes you read correct on July 21st, the gfol spoke about "watch the skies, it's time for action". On the 40th anniversary of the moonlanding - tomorrow 07/21/09 - perhaps that would be nice... A kind of "first contact"-event, who knows...

Revealing of the 9/11 truth was also mentioned by "The Group" so apparently there's a lot coming up...

Hold on to your hats, its gonna be quite a ride!
Have a terrific week!


zondag 14 juni 2009

Forgiveness-seminar Gary Renard Amsterdam May 23rd 2009

Hello all,

As mentioned below, I went to Gary Renard's seminar in Amsterdam on May 23rd for his third book "Love has forgotten no one" which will be published in Benelux in two months, in the US it takes some longer apparently, 8 months appr....

So, how was this spiritual seminar?

The seminar was - as expected - very entertaining, interesting and down-to-earth, which is given the heavy spiritual subject "the power of forgiveness" not a piece of cake but Gary managed to lighten the subject with his nice jokes on the themes he talked about.

In his own style, Gary summed up some interesting experiences he had with "Arten and Pursah", teached an easy hands-on meditation technique and gave some powerful affirmations all based on "The Course in Miracles" s.a.:

"Holy spirit, I put you in charge of this day / of my decisions of this day."

When you use this affirmation, apparently your own holy spirit or higher self if you may will guide you to situations that are not only in your own benefit but in the benefit of everybody around you as well. This doesn't mean you wont have anymore problems but your problems will be more interesting ;) Worthwile to try it out I would say.

One of the oneliners Gary mentioned was the fact that Arten and Pursah described to him the power of forgiveness as such that they said it will be "the new F-word".... ;)

Other interesting themes to mention : "An untrained mind can accomplish nothing (cf. J), you have to have a tought system!" (= The Course)

Depression = it is negative thoughts that cause depression and not the other way round i.e. : it is not so that you have first a depression and then negative thoughts...but the other way round!
Very interesting to consider as it becomes clear that thoughts are extremely powerful! So if you have a tendency to think negatively and judge a lot, try to change the way you think into positive and instead of judging try to make it automatically to start forgiving, "the new F-word".....

" Through the way you determine the world, you determine your own experience"

example: you are frustrated cause a driver just cut you off and you wanted to give him the finger, but at the last moment you did not - cause as a good Course-student, you instead of giving him the finger, you forgave him. The next day you read in the paper that on that same location where you drove the day before, a man gave another driver the finger and that other man had a gun and shot him dead..." So.... you choose how you act and by doing so you can determine the outcome! Choice between judging and forgiving!

"Whatever you think about another person is coming back to you, and will determine what you believe you are"!

example: It is well known that how you treat other people tells a lot about yourself, I you f.eg. are unkindly and angry or frustrated with people one day, this means you hate yourself at that moment -> this can be dangerous by such you namely can determine and attract bad experiences that day! So stop judging and start forgiving instead. You 'll benefit from it.

"Behold the great projection" = life = 100% projection=illusion, this no mystery has been known for thousands of years by the masters Buddha, Jesus, etc...

There is no world, Your entire life is simply a 100% projection, "illusion" of a story with a family, friends, jobs, situations, good and bad experiences, "death and taxes", etc...

Forgiveness = it goes always about you !
Delayed reaction = dangerous (example car - choice between finger and no finger...)

Forgive! Even if it's hard or even pretty hard! Because at the end YOU will feel good about it! it stays with you, we need to realize that we're not guilty but that we are innocent.


When you are just about to judge someone/something:
3)FORGIVE THE PERSON/SITUATION (not necessary to do it immediately, but just do it)

Cause as long as you have conflict in the mind, there will be conflict on "the screen" = in your projected life. As long as there is conflict in your mind you will NEVER be at inner peace with yourself.

So start forgiving people, it's in YOUR own good, not mine ;)

Have a great week!

vrijdag 17 april 2009

Seminar Gary Renard, Amsterdam May 23th 2009

On May 23th, Gary Renard, author of bestsellers as "The Disappearence of the Universe" and "Your immortal reality" is coming to Amsterdam, Holland.

As a known and very funny down-to-earth-speaker, Gary is asked a lot to do seminars worldwide.

His life-changing story began in 1992 when he got the visit of two ascended masters "Arten & Pursah" who materialized right in front of him on the couch in his livingroom... So he started chatting with them... and they started a series of conversations.... The result was 3 books full of inspiring messages from these guys given with only one reason: to liberate humanity from the egomind and to learn them how to choose for the heartmind-Holy Spirit, through the practice of forgiving with the book "A Course in Miracles" as the basis to start from.

Yes, these messages are not for everyone yet... but surely are for anyone who is already open enough to accept that indeed there is much more than we tend to see with our eyes. If you can accept already that, that's a good starting point :) and if not, than thats fine too, whatever you choose is your truth and that has to be respected, always.

Gary's site: http://www.garyrenard.com/

Greetings and have a great weekend!

woensdag 8 april 2009

First Contact before 30 april?? Perhaps

In recent channelings last days of the Galactic Federation of Light and Blossom Goodchild, it seems we are getting very, very close to first contact if we may believe so...

14 OCT 2008 didn't turned out, perhaps this month we're really in for quite a show??

Let's hope so!

I bet our galactic neighbours WILL show themselves before 30 april 2009 cause they cant afford anymore to wait any longer, given the little time left for some massive consciousness changes to facilitate.....

Vaya Con Dios,

zondag 29 maart 2009

Nog 8 cadeaubons te winnen!!

Eerste "BODY MIND SOUL-Quiz"! (zie website onder menu "Activiteiten")

10 vragen m.b.t. de website en nieuwsbrief
=> Nog 8 fantastische cadeaubons te winnen (3 van 20 €, 3 van 40 € en 2 van 50 €)!

De 10 letterantwoorden kunnen doorgemaild worden naar
info@bodymindsoul.be nog tot 11 april 2009!

Van harte en veel quizplezier!

Dries Debaere


zondag 22 maart 2009

"Your immortal reality" - Gary R. Renard

Very interesting book by Gary R. Renard, who explains more in detail the "A Course in Miracles"- teachings through the talks with "Arten and Pursah", two ascended masters who appeared in his life from 1992 onwards :)

Heavy stuff as you can imagine, here are two very powerful forgiveness affirmations, be aware they can profoundly change your life for the better!

-> One affirmation u can say to yourself (s.a. in front of the mirror, etc...)

"I am immortal spirit"
"This body is only an image"
"It has nothing to do with wat I am"

In Dutch:

"Ik ben onsterfelijke geest"
"Dit lichaam is slechts een beeld"
"Het heeft niets te maken met wat ik ben"

-> The other affirmation u can think when you're meeting other people

"You are spirit"
"Complete and innocent"
"Everything has been forgiven and let go"

In Dutch:

"Jij bent onsterfelijke geest"
"Heel en onschuldig"
"Alles is vergeven en losgelaten"

Seminar "The Opus" in Antwerp - Belgium

Hi all,

Yesterday went to "The Opus" seminar by Douglas Vermeeren in Antwerp about "how to get the best out of yourself". Can sound "been there, done that"-stuff but was really hands on and very practically oriented seminar.

I can recommend everybody to watch this movie as it explains like the secret how to attain personal success in every singla area of your life, key element is to ACT NOW as there is "No Other Way", just follow your gut feeling instead of your head, my friends! This will get you further then you could ever dream of.

And sure this can sound very nice but thats what most of us think! Their dreams stay dreams, you can be different by TAKING those decisions, time for real change, are you up to it or not?

It is totally up to you ;)
Have a great sunday!
