vrijdag 17 april 2009

Seminar Gary Renard, Amsterdam May 23th 2009

On May 23th, Gary Renard, author of bestsellers as "The Disappearence of the Universe" and "Your immortal reality" is coming to Amsterdam, Holland.

As a known and very funny down-to-earth-speaker, Gary is asked a lot to do seminars worldwide.

His life-changing story began in 1992 when he got the visit of two ascended masters "Arten & Pursah" who materialized right in front of him on the couch in his livingroom... So he started chatting with them... and they started a series of conversations.... The result was 3 books full of inspiring messages from these guys given with only one reason: to liberate humanity from the egomind and to learn them how to choose for the heartmind-Holy Spirit, through the practice of forgiving with the book "A Course in Miracles" as the basis to start from.

Yes, these messages are not for everyone yet... but surely are for anyone who is already open enough to accept that indeed there is much more than we tend to see with our eyes. If you can accept already that, that's a good starting point :) and if not, than thats fine too, whatever you choose is your truth and that has to be respected, always.

Gary's site: http://www.garyrenard.com/

Greetings and have a great weekend!

1 opmerking:

  1. Hallo Dries,

    Fijn dat je aandacht besteed aan de komst van Gary Renard in Amsterdam. Hoe meer mensen het weten des te beter.
    Aangezien ik betrokken ben bij de vertaling van de boeken van Gary Renard, samen met de hoofdvertaler Rogier Fentener van Vlissingen, hebben zowel Rogier van Vlissingen als ik respectievelijk een Engelstalig en een nederlandstalig Xanga blog opgezet, waarin we vertellen over onze ervaringen met de boeken van Gary Renard en Een cursus in wonderen. Ook is er de aankondiging van de seminar in Amsterdam te vinden.
    de links naar de blogs zijn: http://liesje56knegt.xanga.com/
    Ik hoop je te ontmoeten op 23 mei en nog een hele hoop van onze zuiderburen.

    Annelies Ekeler
